UniLectin3D interactive lectin database

What is UniLectin3D ?
The UniLectin3D module provides curated information on 3D structures of lectins. Lectins are grouped into families based on the carbohydrate binding domains.
How many lectins and structures ?
2635 3D XRay structures (1619 with interacting glycan), 686 distinct lectin sequences, 247 distinct glycans, 1149 articles
Last update the 2024-04-10 04:08:31
Search for a lectin by name, species, structure and glycan
E.g. human, propeller, 1TL2 (PDB accession number), Q47200 (UniProt accession number), GalNAc, Lewis
Class overview - All proteins - All structures
Browse by Fold > Class > Family
Browse by Fold > Class > Family
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